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TTU students boycott lectures again over 15% fee increment


Understudies of Tamale Technical University  on Friday, Walk 17, boycotted addresses refering to an augmentation in school charges by the organization's administration.

The College has expanded the expenses by 15% this scholastic year. The understudies say they are not against the 15% augmentation but rather against the planning of the activity.

An understudy said "the executives has not been reasonable for us by any stretch of the imagination. To begin with, they didn't counsel us and afterward now they have expanded the expenses despite our desire to the contrary." "This is definitely not a great time by any means. It is extremely discourteous on their part. We can't proceed with this way," one more said.

This is the second time the understudies have boycotted addresses over the augmentation of charges.

On Walk 10, The understudies massed up at the school's organization to introduce their complaints to school the executives.

The larger part head of the understudy's Parliament, Abdul Razak Aziz said "the board took this choice without us, which makes the result invalid. Per our regulations, the SRC should be engaged with such choices. We in this manner don't perceive anything choice they have taken."

However, the administration denied the addition expressing that it is just a proposition.

The Head of Public Issues, Osman Mubarik said "we examined it at the scholastic board and a goal was made. We are as yet examining it, we are don't know of the rate we ought to increment it by."

"In any case, we accept the addition is legitimate, different schools in the south have expanded their charges, we likewise think we want to build our own."

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